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Introduction: In Colombia it is necessary to continue producing quality and continuously updated information, on the magnitude of cancer,   from cancer population registered data to contribute to decision making, and implementation of strategies for health promotion, prevention and treatment of cancer, in order to reduce the impact on the population.

Objective: To describe the incidence, mortality and cancer trends in Pasto-Colombia from 1998 to 2012.

Methods: Observational descriptive study of morbi - mortality due to malignant tumors in Pasto. The collection, processing and systematization of the data, was carried out according to international standards for cancer population registries. The incidence and mortality rates were calculated by period, sex, age and tumor location.

Results: for the period 1998-2012 there were 8,010 new cases of cancer, of them, 57.7% occurred in women. There were 4,214 deaths reported, 52.0% in women. The incidence (p men= 0.7, p females= 0.3) and mortality (p men= 1.0,  p females= 0.0) did not present significant changes over 15 years of observation and the tumors that cause greater morbi-mortality affect the stomach, cervix, breast and prostate.

Conclusions: Cancer in general continues to be a serious health problem for the population of Pasto.The global behavior of cancer incidence and mortality, identify the need to promote and strengthen promotion and prevention programs, especially focused on tumors of the stomach, prostate, breast and cervix that produce greater morbidity and mortality in the population

María Clara Yepez Chamorro, Registro Poblacional de Cáncer del Municipio de Pasto, Grupo de investigación Salud Pública, Centro de Estudios en Salud (CESUN), Universidad de Nariño, Pasto, Colombia.

Registro Poblacional de Cáncer del Municipio de Pasto, Grupo de investigación Salud Pública, Centro de Estudios en Salud (CESUN), Universidad de Nariño, Pasto, Colombia.

Daniel Marcelo Jurado Fajardo, Registro Poblacional de Cáncer del Municipio de Pasto, Grupo de investigación Salud Pública, Centro de Estudios en Salud (CESUN), Universidad de Nariño, Pasto, Colombia.

Registro Poblacional de Cáncer del Municipio de Pasto, Grupo de investigación Salud Pública, Centro de Estudios en Salud (CESUN), Universidad de Nariño, Pasto, Colombia.

Luisa Mercedes Bravo Goyes, Registro Poblacional de Cáncer del Municipio de Pasto, Grupo de investigación Salud Pública, Centro de Estudios en Salud (CESUN), Universidad de Nariño, Pasto, Colombia.

Registro Poblacional de Cáncer del Municipio de Pasto, Grupo de investigación Salud Pública, Centro de Estudios en Salud (CESUN), Universidad de Nariño, Pasto, Colombia.

Luis Eduardo Bravo Ocaña, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Departamento de Patología, Universidad del Valle.

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Yepez Chamorro, M. C., Jurado Fajardo, D. M., Bravo Goyes, L. M., & Bravo Ocaña, L. E. (2018). Trends in cancer incidence, mortality and survival in Pasto, Colombia. Colombia Medica, 49(1), 42–54.


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