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Objective: To determine the relationship between hopelessness, loneliness and the level of family health in school-age adolescents with and without suicidal ideation to deepen in the knowledge of this phenomenon from a nursing point of view and to pose promotion and prevention options in Bogotá, Colombia.
Method: This was a cross-sectional, comparative, correlational, descriptive and quantitative study. The sample was selected in the period between February and April 2009, through mixed sampling and 482 school-attending 14-17 year-old adolescents were included. Widely recognized and highly qualified psychometric tools were used to measure the variables concerned. Univariate, bivariate and multivariate statistic analysis were used to describe the behavior of each variable, to explore the relationships and contrasts between these variables and to estimate the effect of the independent variables on the presence of suicidal thoughts. This study has followed the ethical considerations necessary for research involving human beings.
Results: 20% of the sample used reported the presence of suicidal thoughts or desires. All variables studied influence the presence of suicidal thoughts except age, socioeconomic strata, borough and type of school. However, with the use of logistic regression methods, the variables that best express the presence of suicidal thoughts are: previous suicide attempt, low self-esteem, depression and belonging to an unhealthy family.
Conclusions: Data on suicidal ideation and attempts made in this study support the idea of implementing greater preventive efforts within families and schools. Identifying adolescents at risk of suicide or mental health disorders, and build effective prevention and treatment programs is a priority.

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Carvajal, G., & Caro, C. V. (2024). Suicidal ideation in adolescence: an explanation from three of its associated variables in Bogotá, 2009. Colombia Medica, 42(2.supl.1), 45–56. (Original work published July 26, 2011)


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