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This study was conducted between June and September 1991 in Cali, Colombia. Using a sampling method of Lot Quality Assurance, two aspects were studied: determination of the prevalence of HIV-1 infection among 31 O female sexual workers and evaluation of preventive practices, basic knowledge of HN-1 transmission, and perception of risks among 262 women of the same group. Using ELISA and Western blot, Serological results found one person infected in the sample. producing an estimated prevalence of 0.005 of HN-1 infection in this risk group. The sociological survey which was administered by medical officers of the local public health system and had several interesting results. The sample was stratified socioeconomically into three groups, according to the type of commercial establishment and costs of services. Almost all of the women in the study (96%) were aware that the use of condoms was a preventive mechanism. However, only 51 % of their sexual services succeeded in implementing the use. Significant associations were found between socioeconomic strata and the women's demand for the use of condoms, as well as with their alcohol intake while working. Similarly, the variable ·use of condom· was found to be associated with stratum, demand by the woman for its use, and alcohol drinking. No association was found between school level and perception of risks.

Diego Gennán Calero Llanes, Secretaría Municipal de Salud Pública

Secretaría Municipal de Salud Pública, Cali, Valle, Colombia.

Luis Edilberto Blandón Palomino, Salud Ocupacional

Salud Ocupacional, Instituto de los Seguros Sociales, Seccional Valle del Cauca, Cal!, Colombia.

Elias Sevilla Casas, Profesor Titular

Profesor Titular, Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Económicas, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.

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