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Dengue is a priority public health problem. During epidemics in Cuba and Haiti, ethnic African descendant population had lower risk of dengue, and the ethnic factor was proposed as a protective one.


To determine the relation between the Dengue's cumulative incidence and the Afro-Colombian proportion in communities of Cali, during the epidemic of 2013.


This study was conducted in Cali, Colombia. The design was ecological, using information from the National Census 2005 projected to 2013, from the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE), and the National Epidemiological Surveillance System. It was obtained the Pearson´s correlation coefficient between cumulative incidence and the proportion of Afro-Colombian population by communities. Additionally, the cumulative incidences of dengue were evaluated in two zones with different proportion of Afro-Colombian population. The association was also evaluated for aggregation bias, confounding by social variables, and interaction by area of ​​residence.


Dengue´s cumulative incidence was significantly lower for Afro-Colombians regardless of the proportion of Afro-Colombian population in the area of residence. The relative risk of dengue between non-AfroColombians and AfroColombians was 9.4 (95% CI=8.4-10.6) in zones with high proportion of Afro-Colombian population, while the relative risk of dengue was 4.0 (95% CI :3.6 - 4.4) in the zone with lower proportion of Afro-Colombian population. There was no evidence of aggregation bias or confounding in the association by social variables.


The Afro-Colombian population had a significantly lower risk of getting dengue and its complications, compared with the non-Afro-Colombian population. The non-Afro-Colombian populations living in areas with a high proportion of AfroColombians increase their risk of dengue more than double, suggesting an asymptomatic viremic environment.

Jorge Humberto Rojas Palacios, -Grupo de Epidemiología y Salud Pública, Secretaría de Salud Pública Municipal de Cali, Alcaldía Municipal de Santiago de Cali, Cali Colombia -Grupo de Investigación en modelos y métodos matemáticos para el control y vigilancia del dengue, Cali, Colombia

Medico. Epidemiólogo, Secretaria de Salud Municipal de Cali, Grupo de Epidemiología y Salud Pública. Cali, Colombia.

Alberto Alzate Sánchez, Grupo de Investigación en Epidemiología y Servicios (GRIEPIS). Postgrado de Epidemiología, Universidad Libre, Cali, Colombia


Grupo de Investigación en Epidemiología y Servicios (GRIEPIS). Postgrado de Epidemiología, Universidad Libre, Cali, Colombia


Héctor Jairo Martínez Romero, Department of Mathematics, Universidad del Valle, Cali

PhD. Professor, Department of Mathematics,

Alberto Ignacio Ignacio Concha Eastman, Alcaldía Municipal de Santiago de Cali, Cali, Colombia

Secretaría de Salud Pública Municipal


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Rojas Palacios, J. H., Alzate Sánchez, A., Martínez Romero, H. J., & Concha Eastman, A. I. I. (2016). AfroColombian ethnicity, a paradoxical protective factor against Dengue. Colombia Medica, 47(3), 133–41.


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