Frequency of common polymorphisms in Caveolin 1 (CAV1) gene in adults with high serum triglycerides from Colombian Caribbean Coast.
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Background: Caveolin 1 gene (CAV1) has been associated with insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome and hypertension in humans. Also, it has been related to high serum triglycerides in rodents, however there is little evidence of this relation in humans.
Aim: To describe frequencies of common variations in CAV1 in adults with high serum triglycerides.
Methods: A case-control study was carried out with adults from Colombian Caribbean Coast. A whole blood sample was employed to measure serum concentrations of triglycerides, glucose, total cholesterol and HDLc. Six common Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) in CAV1 were genotyped (rs926198, rs3779512, rs10270569, rs11773845, rs7804372 and rs1049337). Allelic and genotypic frequencies were determined by direct count and Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) was assessed. Case and control groups were compared with null-hypothesis tests.
Results: A total of 220 cases and 220 controls were included. For rs3779512 an excess in homozygotes frequency was found within case group (40.4% (GG), 41.3% (GT) and 18.1% (TT); Fis=0.13, p=0.03). Another homozygotes excess among case group was found in rs7804372 (59.5% (TT), 32.3% (TA) and 8.2% (AA); Fis=0.12, p=0.04). In rs1049337, cases also showed an excess in homozygotes frequency (52.7% (CC), 35.0% (CT) and 12.3% (TT); Fis=0.16, p=0.01). Finally, for rs1049337 there were differences in genotype distribution between case and control groups (p<0.05).
Conclusion: An increased frequency of homozygote genotypes was found in subjects with high serum triglycerides. This findings suggest that minor alleles for SNPs rs3779512, rs7804372 and rs1049337 might be associated to higher risk of hypertriglyceridemia.
- Hypertriglyceridemia
- Caveolin 1
- Single Nucleotide Polymorphism
- Caribbean Region
- Colombia
- Metabolic diseases
- Triglycerides
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