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Heinz W Wahner, Section of diagnostic nuclear medicina. Departament of Laboratory Medicine. Mato Clinic, Rochester Minnesota. USA

Section of diagnostic nuclear medicina. Departament of Laboratory Medicine. Mato Clinic, Rochester Minnesota. USA

Jorge E Gaitán, Research Fellow. Section of diagnostic nuclear medicina. Departament of Laboratory Medicine. Mato Clinic, Rochester Minnesota. USA

Research Fellow. Section of diagnostic nuclear medicina. Departament of Laboratory Medicine. Mato Clinic, Rochester Minnesota. USA
Wahner, H. W., & Gaitán, J. E. (1973). Evaluacion de tiroxina total en orina como prueba de función tiroidea. Colombia Medica, 4(2), 54–56.


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Received 2016-12-11
Accepted 2016-12-11
Published 1973-06-30