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Introduction: To understand resilience and spirituality of battered women and the relationship between the two variables help to know better about the human response to partner violence against woman. Conceptual model used for this research is based on symptom management model. Research question was: What is the level of spirituality and resilience that battered women have and how those variables are related?
Objective: General: To examine the relationship between spirituality and resilience in battered women that expose their situation in «Comisarías de Familia» (Police Commissioner) of Cali city, Colombia. Specific: 1.To identify the level of spirituality and resilience of battered women. 2. To establish if there is a relation between spirituality and resilience in battered women.
Methodology: The research design was correlational and cross-sectional; the sample was composed of 100 women that went to «Comisarías de Familia» to expose their partner violence situation in Cali, Colombia. Instruments applied were resilience scale (RS), and the spiritual perspective scale (SPS).
Results: Age of women varies between 18 and 65 years old, age mean was 36.5+10.4. The mean of the scales was 4.8+0.48 for spirituality and for resiliency (mean of the total sum) was 143.3+19.07. Pearson correlation between spirituality and resilience was r=0.301 (p=0.004).
Discussion: Findings were similar to those reported by literature about those variables. Spirituality and resilience are different but related phenomena. This paper proposes that nurses play an important role encouraging women to express their spiritual believes and practices.
Conclusion: Spirituality and resilience were high. It is important to assess resilience and spirituality in women as well as the external resources that help battered women to increase their strengths.

Gladys Eugenia Canaval, Universidad del Valle

Profesora Titular, Escuela de Enfermería, Facultad de Salud, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.

Martha Cecilia González, Universidad del Valle

Profesora Asociada, Escuela de Enfermería, Facultad de Salud, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.

María Oliva Sánchez, Universidad del Valle

Profesora Auxiliar, Escuela de Enfermería, Facultad de Salud, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.
Canaval, G. E., González, M. C., & Sánchez, M. O. (2007). Spirituality and resilience in battered women that denounce intimate partner violence. Colombia Medica, 38(4.Supl.2), 72–78.


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