Blood pressure by age, gender, height, and socioeconomic level in school populations in Cali, Colombia
Main Article Content
Introduction: Blood pressure (BP) is a vital sign that should be
recorded in children and adolescents. Studies have shown that
hypertension in children can lead to adult cardiovascular diseases,
which are the leading cause of death in many countries, including
Colombia. The aim of this paper was to show the blood pressure
data in a school population, 7 to 18 years of age in the city of Cali.
Methods: We performed a cross-sectional study to
assess risk factors for chronic diseases in a school
population of Cali, Colombia, which included anthropometry,
blood chemistry, physical work capacity, oral
health, diet, and BP. Two pediatricians registered BP by
auscultatory method in both arms according to standard
method. BP data, their relationship with age, gender,
height, body mass index, socioeconomic status, and salt
intake were reported for this student population.
Results: A total of 2807 students from different
Educational institutions in the urban area of Cali were
evaluated. Some 92.2% of the school population had
normal BP with values below the 90th percentile, 3.8%
had blood pressure between 90 to 95th percentiles or prehypertension,
and 3.2% were hypertensive with blood pressure above the
95th percentile for age, gender, and height percentiles according to
standards. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure increases
with age, height, and in males the values are slightly higher. No
significant differences were found in systolic and diastolic BP
regarding socioeconomic status. There was no difference
between right and left arm BP. Higher sodium intake in
diet and body mass index increase systolic BP levels.
Conclusions: The data found agree with those
reported in the literature. Socioeconomic level does not
influence blood pressure values in the population studied.
- Blood pressure
- Hypertension
- Risk factors
- Non-transmissible chronic disease
- Economic income
- Scholars
- Adolescents
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