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Compression of the median nerve at the carpal tunnel against the transverse ligament originates the carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Almost 0.1 % of the population is affected, and 10% is at risk of suffering any symptoms during the life span. The CTS is the entrapment neuropathy most common, with the dominant hand being affected most frequently.
Over 20 year period, 548 cases were studied. A 1:4 male-female relationship was found. Only 7% of the cases were referred with a diagnosis of C1S. In 78% of patients, a positive Tinel"s sign was recorded. Paraesthesia was observed in 80% of the cases. Muscular weakness of the abductor muscle of the thumb was seen in 18% of people. Rest was effective in 33% of the cases; infiltration in 34% and 92.6% of the cases improved with surgery.

Amoldo Levy, Sección de Neurocirugía

Sección de Neurocirugía, Departamento de Cirugía, Facultad de Salud, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia

Elmer Ortega, Sección de Neurocirugía

Sección de Neurocirugía, Departamento de Cirugía, Facultad de Salud, Universidad del Valle, Cal!, Colombia.

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