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The Currarino’s syndrome is a rare inherited disorder. The complete form is characterized by the presence of ano-rectal malformation (usually stenosis), presacral mass and bone defects of the sacrum. The most important symptom is the presence of constipation since birth. A 13 month old patient with chronic and severe constipation is presented. Among the studies the presence of hemisacrum and anterior meningocele were found, both findings consistent with a mild form of Currarino’s syndrome. A conservative management with polietilenglycol oral (PEG®), was initiated with an excellent response to treatment. The presentation of the case with a review of current literature is given to the medical staff in order to publicize the syndrome, as well as to emphasize key points that create suspicion of their presence and the different therapeutic options for its approach.

Nathalia Vélez, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Pediatra, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín.

Luz Stella López, Universidad CES

Pediatra, Universidad CES, Medellín.

Jorge Alberto Rivera, Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe

Pediatra Gastroenterólogo-Nutriólogo, Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe, Medellín.

Abraham Chams Anturi, Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe

Cirujano Pediátrico, Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe y Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paul. Docente de Cirugía Pediátrica, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín.

David Andrés Espinal, Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe

Jefe Departamento Pediatría, Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe, Medellín.
Vélez, N., López, L. S., Rivera, J. A., Chams Anturi, A., & Espinal, D. A. (2009). Currarino’s syndrome. A case report. Colombia Medica, 40(2), 221–225.


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