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Introduction: Infection by Mycoplasma pneumoniae is becoming more frequent at younger ages. It appears as a generally benign and unspecific clinical condition of respiratory symptoms and sometimes responsible for a broad spectrum of extrapulmonary manifestations.
Objective: To describe demographic, clinical, laboratory, and treatment characteristics of pediatric-age patients with positive serology for M. pneumoniae diagnosed at the Pablo Tobón Uribe Hospital (HPTU) during the 2006-2008 period.
Materials and methods: Observational, retrospective study, which describes the demographic, clinical, laboratory, and treatment characteristics of patients from 1 month to 14 years of age with positive IgM for M. pneumoniae seen at HPTU during September 2006 and November 2008.
Results: We reviewed 305 clinical charts of patients with positive IgM for M. pneumoniae. The average age was 5.15 years ± 3.62 SD. Cough (87.5%), fever (65.9%), rhinorrea (39.3%), and respiratory difficulty (38%) were the most frequent clinical findings. Extrapulmonary compromise was mainly manifested in the skin (12.8%), the central nervous system (CNS) (3.6%), and osteomuscular system (3.9%). Auscultation and thoracic X-ray were normal in 33.1% and 30.8% of the patients, respectively. Episodes of asthma exacerbation were related to infection by Mycoplasma in 35% of the cases. A total of 51% of the patients required hospitalization with an average stay of seven days. All the patients received antibiotic treatment; clarithromycin (75.8%) was the antibiotic of choice.
Conclusion: Infection by M. pneumoniae has a broad range of clinical manifestations, requiring a high index of clinical suspicion and an active search for extrapulmonary compromise given that in our realm there is no specific diagnostic method for the acute infection.

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Suárez, M. M., Elorza, M., Donado, J. H., Londoño, L. A., & Espinal, D. A. (2024). Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of pediatric patients with positive serology for Mycoplasma pneumoniae, treated in the third level hospital from 2006 to 2008. Colombia Medica, 42(2), 138–143. (Original work published June 14, 2011)


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