• Páges : 5-6 |
  • 2032 | 356 | 315 | 2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25100/cm.v45i1.1552
  • Páges : 7-14 |
  • 500 | 356 | 311 | 1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25100/cm.v45i1.1316

Frequency and variability of dental morphology in deciduous and permanent dentition of a Nasa indigenous group in the municipality of Morales, Cauca, Colombia

Eider Díaz, Lorena García, Michelle Hernández, Lesly Palacio, Diana Ruiz, Nataly Velandia, Judy Villavicencio, Freddy Moreno (Author)
  • Páges : 15-24 |
  • 625 | 472 | 273 | 2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25100/cm.v45i1.1281

Reduction of maternal mortality due to preeclampsia in Colombia-an interrupted time-series analysis

Julian Alberto Herrera, Rodolfo Herrera-Miranda, Juan Pablo Herrera-Escobar, Aníbal Nieto-Díaz (Author)
  • Páges : 25-31 |
  • 669 | 365 | 360 | 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25100/cm.v45i1.1466

Evaluation of prenatal diagnosis of congenital defects by screening ultrasound, in Cali, Colombia.

Wilmar Saldarriaga-Gil, Fabian Andres Ruiz-Murcia, Andres Fandiño-Losada, Manuel Enrique Cruz-Perea, Carolina Isaza-de-Lourido (Author)
  • Páges : 32-38 |
  • 578 | 386 | 302 | 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25100/cm.v45i1.1332

Resistance profile for pathogens causing urinary tract infection in a pediatric population, and antibiotic treatment response, at a university hospital 2010-2011

Catalina María Vélez Echeverri, Lina María Serna-Higuita, Ana Katherina Serrano Gayubo, Carolina Ochoa-García, Luisa Rojas Rosas, Ana María Bedoya, Margarita Suárez, Catalina Hincapie, Adriana Henao, Diana Ortiz, Juan José Vanegas Ruiz, Jhon Jairo Zuleta, David Andrés Espinal (Author)
  • Páges : 39-44 |
  • 928 | 512 | 300 | 1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25100/cm.v45i1.1318
  • Páges : 45-47 |
  • 1040 | 456 | 245 | 2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25100/cm.v45i1.1326