Strength and ability to implement the activities of daily living in elderly resident in rural areas
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To examine the association between muscle strength and the ability to perform basic and instrumental activities of daily living in elderly resident in rural areas of Jequie, Brazil.
We performed a cross-sectional design study with a population of 104 individuals aged sixty or older, registered in the Family Health Unit of the district of Itajuru, Jequie-Brazil. Data collection was performed using a standardized instrument used as an interview, followed by the application of tests (bending arm with dumbbell and rising from a chair 30 sec). The basic and instrumental activities of daily living were investigated through the Katz and Lawton scales, respectively. The chi-square test with p ≤0.05 was used as a measure of statistical significance for bivariate analyzes between muscle strength and ability to perform daily activities.
The results showed a significant association between muscle strength and dynamic ability to perform activities of daily living.
Reduced muscle strength is an important predictor of the functional ability of the elderly. Accordingly, it is recommended to observe muscle strength in actions directed at the elderly.
- Muscle strength
- health services for the aged
- rural population
- aged
- physical fitness
- quality of life
- social support
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