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Dear editors, cordial greetings
As a group of researchers and professionals signing this letter to the editors, respectfully, we want to make a series of observations and reflections regarding the article “Afro-Colombian ethnicity, a paradoxical protective factor against dengue”1 , published in your prestigious journal.
We considered that the article in question lightly concludes that the Afro-Colombian population present a lower risk of complications compared to the non-Afro-Colombian population. This situation, besides of not being completely based on data and facts that it describes and analyzes, is an assertion that can be a source of deeply disorientation for the Colombian health services, upon a time these conclusions get disseminated, and it can also mistakenly indicate to Afro-Colombian people that the risk of complications is lower in the presence of a virus causing a dengue disease.

Aura Caterine Rengifo, Grupo de Morfología Celular. Instituto Nacional de Salud, Bogotá, Colombia.

Grupo de Morfología Celular. Instituto Nacional de Salud, Bogotá,  Colombia.

María Alexandra Durán, Red Nacional de laboratorios. Instituto Nacional de Salud. Bogotá, Colombia.

Red Nacional de laboratorios. Instituto Nacional de Salud. Bogotá,     Colombia.

Yamileth Ortíz, Subdirección de Investigación, Científica y Tecnológica. Instituto nacional de Salud. Bogotá, Colombia.

Subdirección de Investigación, Científica y Tecnológica. Instituto    nacional de Salud. Bogotá, Colombia.

Jorge Martín Rodriguez, Director de Investigación en Salud Pública. Instituto Nacional de Salud. Bogotá, Colombia.

Director de Investigación en Salud Pública. Instituto Nacional de Salud.  Bogotá, Colombia.

Martha Lucía Ospina, Directora del Instituto Nacional de Salud de Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia.

Directora del Instituto Nacional de Salud de Colombia. Bogotá,   Colombia.

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Sivigila Situación del dengue en Colombia hasta el 16 de febrero de 2013. [Nov. 2016]. Disponible en

Rengifo, A. C., Durán, M. A., Ortíz, Y., Rodriguez, J. M., & Ospina, M. L. (2017). Reflections on Afro-descendant origin and the outcome of dengue fever cases in Colombia. Colombia Medica, 48(2), 98–99.


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