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The possibilities of editorial advancement of a journal are defined by the understanding and adoption of technological resources, the organization of processes and the permanent updating of the editorial committee. The most important factor seems to be an editorial committee that interprets the needs of authors, readers and all participants in editorial processes, and accordingly demands technical needs to improve communication and dissemination of scientific content.

More than 20 years ago, the editors of Colombia Médica understood the potential of the incipient internet, opted for an electronic journal and, with calculation, risked abandoning paper printing with good results. In the last decade, with the same vision and knowledge of the limitations of managing a magazine as a web page, the editorial content manager Open Journal System (OJS) was implemented, which from the beginning was understood as a system for managing the editorial process and of the publication.

With the acceptance of the journal in the Pubmed / Medline bibliographic database, the editorial body faced the need to publish in the XML-JATS (eXtensible Markup Language-Journal Article Tag Suite) language, little known among Latin American publishers. The support of the SciELO Brazil project (Scientific Electronic Library Online) to understand and implement this language in the articles was valuable. This was the technical requirement that the PubMed Central full-text database demanded to accept the journal in its open access collection 1. The reward was almost immediate: the reading public and the scientists who required the journal articles expanded to the 5 continents.

Mauricio Palacios Gómez, Editor en Jefe, Revista Colombia Médica, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia


MD from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia with a Master in Pharmacology and a PhD in Biomedical Sciences from the Universidad del Valle. Professor at the Universidad del Valle and director of the Centro de Estudios Cerebrales. He is a researcher in the area of experimental pharmacology and pharmacoepidemiology.

He has been a part of Colombia Médica journal editorial committe since 2008 and He is currently the editor of the journal since 2015. As editor, he has implemented the use of bibliometric technology resources and editorial standards that improve the international visibility of the journal.


Palacios Gómez, M. (2019). Editorial progress of the Colombia Médica journal. Colombia Medica, 50(4), 222–223.


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