CyberKnife Radiosurgery for refractory bilateral trigeminal neuralgia. Case report
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Case description:
A case of a 37-year-old female patient suffering from refractory bilateral trigeminal neuralgia is presented, she underwent various interventions such as acupuncture, block therapies and even microvascular decompression without effective pain relief.
Clinical findings:
Paresthesias and shooting-like twinges of pain intensity 10/10 in bilateral maxillary and mandibular branches of the trigeminal nerve, with nasal and intraoral triggers that made eating impossible, becoming increasingly severe since refractoriness to microvascular decompression and carbamazepine, triggering the twinges even during sleep, generating somnolence, depressive mood and social isolation.
Treatment and results:
The patient was evaluated by an interdisciplinary neuro-oncology team, where, in accordance with the analysis of the brain magnetic resonance imaging and the patient's history, it was indicated to perform Cyberknife® radiosurgery in mono-fraction on the left trigeminal and subsequently treat the contralateral trigeminal. When treated with Cyberknife® radiosurgery, the patient reported absolute improvement in her pain for 2 years.
Clinical relevance:
Radiosurgery by CyberKnife is not yet the first line of management in trigeminal neuralgia, however, it should be considered since several studies have managed to demonstrate an increase in the quality of life of patients and pain relief in refractory or severe cases. of said pathology.
- Radiosurgery
- Rhizotomy
- Microvascular Decompression Surgery
- Microsurgery
- Robotic Surgical Procedures
- Intractable pain
- Trigeminal neuralgia
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