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Preeclampsia is a disease of the human species, described more than a century ago, of unknown cause, which shares with atherosclerosis risk factors, biochemical abnormalities, endothelial dysfunction and a multifactorial origin. Reducing atherosclerosis lethality is achieved with secondary prevention; and similarly, in preeclampsia, early diagnosis and timely obstetric resolution (secondary prevention) prevents that the mother reaches the end of its natural history, where acute overlay of atherosclerotic plaques in the arteries spiral induces multiple organ failure and increases the maternal risk of death1. The hospital care scheme implemented in Colombia achieved a reduction in maternal mortality by 9%, and when complemented with a preventive prenatal outpatient scheme (Biopsychosocial Model) designed to prevent progression of endothelial dysfunction, the reduction of maternal mortality increased up to 25%...............

Julian Alberto Herrera, Professor Emeritus of Medicine. Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia

Especialista en Medicina Familiar, Fellow en Obstetricia. Profesor Titular-Emérito y Jefe. Departamento de Medicina Familiar. Universidad del Valle. Cali-Colombia. Profesor Clínico Honorífico. Ginecología y Obstetricia. Universidad de Alcalá. Madrid. España. Editor en Jefe. Colombia Médica (ISI)

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