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The historical investigation as well as a critical assessment of previous events related to nursing, reveal their effects on nursing present behaviours and practice. Nursing as science and discipline is constituted by memorable facts; nursing is the science of human existence in time; it comes from the past and goes to the future; as others sciences, it has been built slowly through three stages: knowledge, ethics, and aesthetics. The symbols of the oldest art and youngest profession -nursing should be orientated with critical sense and in accordance with current practices in the discipline.

Consuelo Burbano, Universidad del Valle

Profesora Auxiliar, Escuela de Enfermería, Facultad de Salud, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.
Burbano, C. (2024). A present look of the symbols in nursing. Colombia Medica, 38(4.Supl.2), 105–109.


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