Vol. 44 No. 3 (2013)

Beginning of the end of Onchocerciasis in the Americas
Women´s expectations and evaluation of a maternal educational program
Synthetic dural graft septoplasty in epistaxis from hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia
Epidemiología descriptiva del cáncer infantil en Cali, Colombia 1992-2011

DOI: https://doi.org/10.25100/cm.v44i.3

Published: 2013-09-30

Beginning of the end of Onchocerciasis in the Americas

Gloria Ines Palma, Sofía Duque Bernal, Ruben Santiago Nicholls (Author)
  • Páges : 132-133 |
  • 558 | 359 | 103
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25100/cm.v44i3.1437

Women´s expectations and evaluation of a maternal educational program

Juan Miguel Martínez-Galiano, Miguel Delgado-Rodríguez (Author)
  • Páges : 134-138 |
  • 443 | 361 | 91
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25100/cm.v44i3.1293
  • Páges : 139-145 |
  • 665 | 411 | 105
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25100/cm.v44i3.1248

The effects of socioeconomic status and short stature on overweight, obesity and the risk of metabolic complications in adults

Luz Stella Álvarez Castaño, Alejandro Estrada Restrepo, Juan Diego Goez Rueda, Cristina Carreño Aguirre, Lorena Patricia Mancilla López (Author)
  • Páges : 146-154 |
  • 648 | 403 | 90
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25100/cm.v44i3.1218

Descriptive epidemiology of childhood cancer in Cali, Colombia 1977-2011

Luis Eduardo Bravo, Luz Stella García, Paola Collazos, Oscar Ramirez (Author)
  • Páges : 155-164 |
  • 1180 | 569 | 176
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25100/cm.v44i3.1243

Validity and reliability of the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB): a pilot study on mobility in the Colombian Andes.

José Fernando Gómez Montes, Carmen-Lucia Curcio, Beatriz Alvarado, Maria Victoria Zunzunegui, Jack Guralnik (Author)
  • Páges : 165-171 |
  • 1831 | 971 | 1012
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25100/cm.v44i3.1181

The effects of Plasmodium vivax gestational malaria on the clinical and immune status of pregnant women in Northwestern Colombia

Maria Fernanda Yasnot, Douglas Jay Perkins, Mauricio Corredor, Stephanie Yanow, Jaime Carmona-Fonseca, Amanda Elena Maestre (Author)
  • Páges : 172-177 |
  • 532 | 428 | 153
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25100/cm.v44i3.1193

Dependence of P-wave dispersion on mean arterial pressure as an independent hemodynamic variable in school children

Elibet Chávez González, Emilio F. González Rodríguez, María del Carmen Llanes Camacho (Author)
  • Páges : 178-183 |
  • 505 | 362 | 86
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25100/cm.v44i3.1237

Prediction of prolonged mechanical ventilation for intensive care unit patients: A cohort study

Alvaro Sanabria, Ximena Gomez, Valentin Vega, Luis Carlos Dominguez, Camilo Osorio (Author)
  • Páges : 184-188 |
  • 555 | 506 | 225
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25100/cm.v44i3.1285
  • Páges : 189-191 |
  • 552 | 371 | 164
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25100/cm.v44i3.1236

The gastric cancer: overview

Pelayo Correa, María Blanca Piazuelo (Author)
  • Páges : 192-201 |
  • 1358 | 737 | 630
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25100/cm.v44i3.1263
  • Páges : 202-204 |
  • 420 | 367 | 294
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25100/cm.v44i3.1279
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25100/cm.v44i3.1412