Psammolestes arthuri (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) and its parasite Telenomus capito (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) in Colombia
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Eggs, nymphs, and adults of both sexes of the triatomine Psammolestes arthuri, together with its scelionid parasite, Telenomus capito, were found in nests of the Plain-fronted Thornbird, Phacellodomus rufifrons inornatus, in El Porvenir on the Colombian oriental plains. This is the 1st record of these insects outside Venezuela. Only the outer eggs of P. arthuri egg masses were parasitized (54% of all the outer eggs and 35% of the total eggs). This pattern is presumably not due to the cementing material between eggs but rather to the eggs' position. The frequency of parasitism of the egg masses on the external, looser portion of the birds' nest was significantly higher than that found for the egg masses closer to the central, denser part of the nest.
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