Isolation and identification of coagulase-negative staphylococci from clinical specimens
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A total of 100 clinical samples of spinal fluid, urine, blood, pus, and respiratory secretions belonging to patients from different health centers in Cali were examined for coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS). Of the samples, 42 were positive for CNS. The species isolated were Staphylococcos sciori, 26%; S. epidermidis, 19%; S. gallinarum, 14.2%, S. haemolyticus, 14.2%, S. hyicus spp chromogenes, 9.5%, S. warneri, 7.1%; plus S. lentus, S. caseolyticus, S. xylosos and S. simolans with 2.3% each. The importance of identifying the species of the CNS, as well as methods for their characterization, are discussed.
- Estafilococos
- muestras clínicas
- cultivos primarios
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