Trends in cancer incidence and mortality over three decades in Quito - Ecuador
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Introduction: The National Registry of Tumors has collected, processed, analyzed and regularly disseminated information on new cases of cancer diagnosed in the city of Quito, Ecuador over the last three decades.
Aim: This article analyzed the trend of cancer incidence and mortality rates for the period 1985-2013.Methods: Incidence and mortality rates standardized by age were estimated by the direct method, using the world standard population. Analysis of the time trends, from selected locations, the joinpoint regression was used.
Results: A decrease in the incidence and mortality rates of cervical and stomach cancers were documented. There was an increase in breast and colorectal cancer rates. The increase of the incidence rate of thyroid cancer in women was notorious. Lung cancer also increased in women while in men their values remained stable.
Conclusion: There are important variations in the evolution of cancer in Quito; the information presented is an instrument for monitoring and evaluating the interventions that are developed in the Country.
- Incidence
- mortality
- cancer
- Quito
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