Vol. 54 No. 3 (2023)

Published: 2023-11-27

DOI: https://doi.org/10.25100/cm.v54i3.5867

Chatbots, generative AI, and scholarly manuscripts

WAME recommendations on chatbots and generative artificial intelligence in relation to scholarly publications

Chris Zielinski, Margaret A. Winker, Rakesh Aggarwal, Lorraine E. Ferris, Markus Heinemann , Jose Florencio Lapeña Jr , Sanjay A. Pai , Edsel Ing, Leslie Citrome , Murad Alam, Michael Voight, Farrokh Habibzadeh (Author)
  • Páges : e1015868 |
  • 2577 | 788 | 291 | 1 | 47
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25100/cm.v54i3.5868

JAK2, CALR, and MPL Mutation Profiles in Colombian patients with BCR-ABL Negative Myeloproliferative Neoplasms

Ana Isabel Giraldo-Rincon (Author); Sara Naranjo Molina; Natalia Gomez-Lopera, Daniel Aguirre Acevedo, Andrea Ucroz Benavidez, Kenny Gálvez Cárdenas, Francisco Cuellar Ambrosí, Jose Domingo Torres, Sigifredo Ospina, Katherine Palacio, Lina Gaviria Jaramillo, Carlos Mario Muñeton, Gonzalo Vasquez Palacio (Author)
  • Páges : e2035353 |
  • 707 | 453 | 170 | 2 | 14
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25100/cm.v54i3.5353

Survival of patients living with HIV and cancer in Cali, Colombia

Luis Gabriel Parra-Lara, Juan Pablo Arango-Ibañez, Juan Jose Martinez-Arboleda, Juan Carlos Bravo, Ángela R. Zambrano, Paola Collazos, Francisco Andino, Angelica Badillo, Sebastian Estrada, Fernando Rosso (Author)
  • Páges : e2015558 |
  • 1046 | 319 | 163 | 9 | 38
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25100/cm.v54i3.5558

Clinimetric properties of the Perme Intensive Care Unit Mobility Score

A multicenter study for minimum important difference and responsiveness analysis

Ricardo Kenji Nawa, Marcio Luiz Ferreira De Camillis, Monique Buttignol, Fernanda Machado Kutchak, Eder Chaves Pacheco, Louise Helena Rodrigues Gonçalves, Leonardo Miguel Corrêa Garcia, Karina Tavares Timenetsky, Luiz Alberto Forgiarini Júnior (Author)
  • Páges : e2005580 |
  • 671 | 401 | 64 | 8 | 10
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25100/cm.v54i3.5580

Clinical characterization and outcomes of a cohort of colombian patients with AL Amyloidosis

Jorge Andrés Lacouture Fierro, Daniel Andrés Ribero Vargas, Juanita Sánchez Cano, Lina Maria Gaviria Jaramillo, Oliver Gerardo Perilla Suarez, Kenny Mauricio Galvez Cárdenas, Sigifredo Ospina Ospina (Author)
  • Páges : e2025667 |
  • 974 | 448 | 124 | 2 | 41
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25100/cm.v54i3.5667