Chronological versus dental age in subjects from 5 to 19 years: a comparative study with forensic implications
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Objectives: This study evaluated six methods used in estimating the age of patients attending the Dental School at Universidad del Valle, evaluating dental development by using panoramic radiographs. Additionally, the study determined the sexual identity of the person and the bilateral symmetry of development, the maturity and the chronological eruption of permanent teeth.
Materials and methods: This is a descriptive, quantitative and transversal study that evaluated which of the six methods (Logan & Kronfeld; Schour & Massler; Moorrees, Fanning & Hunt; Demirjian, Goldstein & Tanner; Ubelaker & Smith) for estimating the age of a patient through radiographic evaluation of dental development is the most correlated with the chronological age of the patient, so it can be used for forensic purposes.
Results: The Moorrees, Fanning & Hunt and the Smith methods showed high correlation (0.7874 and 0.7808, respectively). The Logan & Kronfeld methods presented low correlation (0.6879). The sample studied did not show sexual dimorphism or bilateral asymmetry.
Conclusions: All methods evaluated have a high correlation coefficient between the dental age and the radiographic age. However, the Moorrees, Fanning & Hunt, and Smith methods presented higher correlation coefficients between dental and chronological age.
Materials and methods: This is a descriptive, quantitative and transversal study that evaluated which of the six methods (Logan & Kronfeld; Schour & Massler; Moorrees, Fanning & Hunt; Demirjian, Goldstein & Tanner; Ubelaker & Smith) for estimating the age of a patient through radiographic evaluation of dental development is the most correlated with the chronological age of the patient, so it can be used for forensic purposes.
Results: The Moorrees, Fanning & Hunt and the Smith methods showed high correlation (0.7874 and 0.7808, respectively). The Logan & Kronfeld methods presented low correlation (0.6879). The sample studied did not show sexual dimorphism or bilateral asymmetry.
Conclusions: All methods evaluated have a high correlation coefficient between the dental age and the radiographic age. However, the Moorrees, Fanning & Hunt, and Smith methods presented higher correlation coefficients between dental and chronological age.
Corral, C., García, F., García, J., León, P., Herrera, A., Martínez, C., & Moreno, F. (2010). Chronological versus dental age in subjects from 5 to 19 years: a comparative study with forensic implications. Colombia Medica, 41(3), 216–223.
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